Tuesday, August 31, 2010


9 days left! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??! I'm wondering, "Where did my summer go?"
So a lot has happened lately...
About a week and a half ago, I was in a car accident, the passenger side of my car was completely t-boned. I'm fine (thank God). My knee is just badly bruised and swollen and has some scrapes from the dashboard. So we went to the hospital for x-rays, and once we found out everything is okay, I went home. I was supposed to go to my dad's house that weekend, so he picked me up later that night. The next day I got a call from my mom, and she thought that insurance wouldn't pay for it and because of the costs, I could no longer go to Italy. Hearing that was like having my entire world crashing around me. I couldn't stand the though of having all that I have worked for for so long being shot to pieces. My grandparents (who were there that weekend) saw how upset I was and decided to put up some money for my trip. Then, later that week, my mom found out that insurance WAS going to pay for the cars in the accident, and from then on, everything else has been going according to plan.

Here we go, 7 days left in Harrisburg. As I was reading Yuki's blog (http://yukinitalia.blogspot.com), and saw how she suddenly started to appreciate Hong Kong, I can see what she means. Before, living in Harrisburg was nothing special, and last year when I applied to AFS Italy, I didn't think I was really leaving much behind. Now, looking at everything, I start to appreciate all I have around me. I'm going to miss so much. Here was the biggest shocker for me: My sister and I have never really gotten along, and in the past few years, our relationship has gotten even weaker, but a few days ago she was over at our house and we watched a movie together. This was a Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson video that we used to watch ALL the time, and watching that with her made me think, "Even if we don't get along very well, she's still my sister and I'm going to miss her."

OOH! Another thing I forgot to write about! So, weeks ago I went to apply for my visa (which I'm STILL waiting for in the mail grrr), and it was quite the adventure. We woke up early that morning to drive out to Philadelphia, meet up with my dad, and apply for my visa. My mom was like, FREAKING OUT because she thought that the line would be too long and we'd have to come to Philadelphia a second time to apply. Well, we made it on time, we brought WAY too many papers, and we met the coolest people waiting. It was this room full of some of the most interesting people, I heard plenty of Italian, and everyone was waiting. I met this one girl (in her 20's or 30's), and she was the epitome of what I want to be like some day. She spoke Italian, finished college, traveled ALL the time, had a substantial career, and was applying for her work visa, so she could eventually live in Italy. Meeting her inspired me. Just talking to her and her mother made me even more excited for this trip, to experience life and start the life ahead of me. I swear, you can meet the most interesting people anywhere you are, you just have to take the time to get to know them. You can always learn more.

And with that, I should probably get back to packing and studying my Italian..
Until next time,


ps- something I'll probably miss the most, going to my favorite restaurant for sushi. I love sushi :D

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

As the countdown contines...

Hey, so it's been a good few weeks since I've written, and since I was up with the sun this morning, I thought why not?
I know my school schedule for the year in Italy.. It's a duzy

lunedì (Monday):
1-Italiano (Italian)
2-Italiano (Italian)
3-Matematica (Math)
4-Educazione Fisica (Gym)
5-Filosofia (Philosophy)

martedì (Tuesday):
1-Latino (Latin)
2-Latino (Latin)
3-Scienze (Science)
4-Inglese (English)
5-Filosofia (Philosophy)

mercoledì (Wednesday):
1-Matematica (Math)
2-Matematica (Math)
3-Filosofia (Philosophy)
4-Latino (Latin)
5-Religione (Religion)

giovedì (Thursday):
1-Matematica (Math)
2-Scienze (Science)
3-Educazione Fisica (Gym)
4-Matematica (Math)
5-Latino (Latin)

venerdì (Friday):
1-Filosofia (Philosophy)
2-Matematica (Math)
3-Filosofia (Philosophy)
4-Inglese (English)
5-Italiano (Italian)

sabato (Saturday):
1-Inglese (English)
2-Scienze (Science)
3-Disegno/Storia Dell'arte (Design/Art History)
4-Disegno/Storia Dell'arte (Design/Art History)

Plenty of classes.. right. No wonder Italians study so much!! Another scary thing about school: all of these kids have been in the same class together for years, and here I come into the middle of it all foreign and totally out of the loop. Better brush up on my "meeting new people" skills because I have a feeling I'll be using them a LOT.
Here I sit listening one of my favorite bands, Sea Wolf, (and if you don't know who they are, look them up ASAP) and I think about all of the changes.
As I've said before, I'm working my butt off this summer at the beloved Hershey Park as a lifeguard. Luckily, I work with some of the coolest people. Also, HP has some kind of exchange program so we have people from all over the world working with us as lifeguards. They're all really great and love to teach you about their country. I'm learning a little Ukrainian and Russian from them, as if learning Italian wasn't enough on my plate. :P
When I'm not working, I still seem to find myself busy. The case is always "This might be the last time I see you before you leave!" I'm doing everything I can. I've gone to a few parties, seen plenty of movies in theaters, and take the weekly adventure with a friend of choice. :) I love my friends so much. It seems impossible that I could leave them for so long. The worst part, I continue to meet new people, and the thought that runs through my mind then is "that's another people I'll have to say goodbye to." The current count: 43 days left in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania... So much to do, so little time. SO many questions, but the problem is, I can never keep track.. My mind is bursting at the seems..
wow.. Well, all of that just sounds depressing. Let's hit some other, happier subjects.

My host family sounds amazing. The mother works for ENI, and oil company right in the city in which we live, and the father works for a chemical company in Milan, so he's out of town about 4 days a week. My host brother will be in Germany, but I'll have a sister just two years younger than me in the high school as well, even though we'll be 3 grades apart. She plays volleyball, so i was thinking I could join the team this year as well. It would be a great way to "bond" with her. I can't wait.
Well, I must go. Until next time,


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

2 months left in America...

Hey kids! haha
Two months to go! If you could only see the state of chaos my mind is in right now! This summer is like the final stretch before I take that huge leap into what will probably be the most life-changing experience of my life! Where do I start?!
Okay, so when I was little, we had a German exchange student, Lisa, stay in our house for the year. She came back for a month to visit and it was AMAZING seeing her again! She stayed here for about a month (may 31st-june 25th). I can only hope that years from now I will still have that relationship with the family I'm going to stay with in Italy! I can't even explain the feeling of seeing Lisa again. When people ask about her, I can simply say she's my big sister. All of our old inside jokes were still funny and we still knew each other so well, even as time keeps on rolling by. Her coming was a great breath of fresh air and it helped reality set in as I look towards my year in Italy. It was sad when she had to leave.
In other news, I have been working my butt off at Hershey Park as a lifeguard. Not that I don't love parts about my job, I really do, but the days become long and monotonous and run together. Spending 8 hours in the sun exhausts me, and though I never really want to go to work, I have to because I need the money. Everything I make this summer is going towards my spending money while in Italy. It's a lot.
I wish I could take this summer to hang out with friends. It's a weird feeling. When people know you're leaving for 10 months, their actions are saying something like "i'm going to miss you, what's the point in getting closer when you're leaving soon?" It sucks. I'm just hanging out with as many people as possible on my days off and I'm going to be sending a MILLION post cards while in Italy.. I just need to find the perfect balance between life in Italy, and keeping in touch with people from the USA. I DEFINITELY don't want to be one of those kids who are always on the phone/computer talking to people from home. I want to fully embrace the experience and culture ahead of me. This is the reason I am NOT bringing my laptop.. I'll have plenty of opportunities to get on the computer there, and I was planning on buying an external hard drive for any pictures or documents I have over there that I want to bring back to America.
All in all, these next two months are going to be STRESSFUL... but I think in the end, it will all be worth it. This is all the time I have for ranting today, but I'll try to write again at a later date. Until then


ps-mess up #1!! So I was writing my host family and the first thing I say is "Ciao!"... later I find out that Ciao is usually only used with peers or people you are well aquainted with, and when it's anyone else, it's considered rude. oops! hopefully they understand my mistake. haha
"Mi dispiace!!!!"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Getting Closer...

Sooo it's been a while since I've taken the time to write anything down on here! I'm still so extremely excited. Tomorrow is my last day of school here in America, and then I have to wait ALL summer until I leave.
Let me fill you in on the past few months...
I had my pre-departure orientation. That was a VERY long 6 hours. There were two other girls there that were going to Germany. It was kind of boring. THEN we got to meet the kids in our area that are here from different countries. I got to meet 3 students from Italy and they filled me in on a LOT of stuff!

We still keep in touch on facebook, and they're really great for when I need someone to test my italian on!
Now in other news... Earlier this week I got my host family info!!!! It was one of the best things to happen right now! I'll be living in San Donato Milanese, which is about 5 km from Milan (capitol of that region)!! :) I'm going to have a sister, Marcella, that's two years younger than me. I would also have a brother, Giuseppe, who's my age, but he'll be spending the year in Germany while I'm over there. That means I get my own room! Later that night I sent an e-mail to my host dad and he got back to me the next morning. He speaks English REALLY well (which could be a good or bad thing) and he seems really nice!
OMG the thought that I will be on my way to San Donato Milanese, Italy in just 3 months boggles my mind! I still have SOOOOO much to do. And now that school is ending I'm realizing how much I really will miss my friends. I'd love to spend all summer hanging out with them, but I have a full time job at Hershey Park as a lifeguard so I can save up some spending money for next year! It seems every decision I make these days is centered around Italy. The stress is packing on, but hopefully the end of this school year will make things a little easier.
I'm out for now. Cheers!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hey kids!

Soo, this is my thoughts and whatever else I feel about going to Italy.
I still have like, 5 months until I leave, but I figure "what the hell? why don't I get a head start on this whole blogging thing?"

I just got accepted and such by AFS USA to go to Italy, and all morning I've been looking up things in their "Culture Trek" thing. Jeez, I'm so excited to go to Italy. From reading everyone else's blogs, I know Italy won't be exciting ALL the time once I'm there, but it's not America, and for now, that's good enough for me!

Being in school here, and just thinking about all of the things that I still have yet to do in preparation for Italy makes my head spin. We just started the 4th marking period in school, and I'm DYING for it to be over already! Sometimes it feels as though time is going SO slowly, like I should already be in Italy by now, and other times it feels as though time is just ticking by. It feels like I'm so worried about getting to Italy, that when I look back, things happen in a flash, and before you know it, they're over. Anyway, I'm rambling. This seems long enough to initiate this blog. Until the next time
